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Leerlingen bedenken Brandingcampagne voor IJburg

What makes IJburg special and how do we tell the rest of the city? Pupils of a secondary school collected the story of IJburg and presented their concepts for a promotional campaign for the area – consisting of a logo, an object and an intervention – to local stakeholers. The pupils’ idea for the harbour ‘harbouring romance’ received the first prize from the local alderman.

When: June – July 2012
Collaboration partners: Stadsdeel Amsterdam Oost, IJburgcollege
Jury: Gjalt de Vries – ondernemersvereniging IJburg, Natasja Zak – winkelstraatmanager Stadsdeel Oost, Edith Bronsveld – woningcorporatie Ymere, Karin Hoens – bewoner en gebiedspromotie centrum Zaandam en Debby Heuft – namens de haven.
Where: IJburg, Amsterdam

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