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The workshop Social Context Mapping is fit for: 

  • students (social sciences and urban/architectural studies)
  • high school students
  • employees of urban development organizations
  • employees of locally oriented welfare organizations
  • neighborhood resident groups

Interested in this workshop? Placemakers is very willing to discuss possibilities depending on the size of your group, available time and budget. Get in touch with us via

Workshop Social Context Mapping
Understand an area from the inside-out, using both ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ data

The Social Context Map is a location research tool that Placemakers uses on a regular basis at the start of placemaking projects. In our Social Context Mapping workshops, participants develop an understanding of a selected area based on desk research and field work. This is then visualized in a multi-layered map.

Workshop setup:
– introduction into placemaking
– selection of layers
– (creative) mapping methods
– desk research and/or field work
data analysis
presentation / exhibition

How can we understand a neighborhood, combining ‘hard’ quantitative data and ‘soft’ qualitative data? This workshop provides an introduction and/or guided process to groups of students or professionals wanting to experiment with creative mapping methods and gain an understanding of a selected area. Learn how to gather and visualize a rich variety of local characteristics; from architectural qualities to user experience, from provision of green to local routes & routines, from age groups to resident initiatives. Participants select a number of layers to add to their Social Context Map, gain practical experience with mapping exercices and collaborate to visualize, mix and match their findings.

The final result of the workshop – a digital or tangible layered map of the area – is at the same time a starting point. For conversation on local issues and potentials, for the formulation of organizational goals and as a preparation for possible interventions.

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