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Placemaking for a public building and square

A building owned by housing corporation Ymere at the van Eesterenplein in Almere has been standing empty for a while. Ymere is looking to develop the ground floor into a place that connects and enlivens the neighborhood. The ambition is to create a plinth that attracts a variety of user groups, allowing for the liveliness to pass onto the public square in front of the building. Placemakers has done a first inventory of ideas, initiatiors and wishes from local residents and organizations. In the summer of 2020 Placemakers started location research and collecting input and initiatives for the building’s ground floor. The results of this phase were translated into a ‘social contex map‘ as well as a WOO! Windows of Opportunity window sticker on site. Ultimately, we hope to create an attractive and connective plinth on the long term.


In the next phase we will develop a concept that holds a mix of initiatives and entrepeneurs in the building. Along with these local partners, we will work on creating a lively public space and building on the long term.


When: May 2020 – April 2021
Where: Van Eesterenplein, Almere Bouwmeesterbuurt
Ymere housing corporation
Collaboration partners: Municipality of Almere, Springtide Studios

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