Van Eesterenplein
Collecting ideas and initiatives for the ground floor of a building in a central square of Almere's Bouwmeesterbuurt.
Placemakers organizes for a variety of local initiatives to enliven the Sixhaven area in Amsterdam North
Placemaking Sluisbuurt
Placemaking in the various phases of a developing urban neighborhood in Amsterdam
Gerbrandy Park
Placemakers brings liveliness to a park in the west of Amsterdam by developing short and longer term programming with local talents.
WOO! Windows of Opportunity
Het project Windows of Opportunity (WOO!) grew from a wish to respond quickly, cheaply and flexibly to the rise of shop vacancy across the Netherlands and beyond.
Team Brainpark 1st prize Europan competition
Placemakers contributed to the winning Europan 15 proposal for a Rotterdam monofunctional business park.
i-CMiiST: Creative methods for Luthuli Avenue
The Nairobi team tested a range of creative methods to include users in transport planning
‘De Buurtcamping’ (Neighborhood Camp Site)
'De Buurtcamping' transforms city parks into a convivial camp site for all residents of the neighborhood.
Buurtpraat – neighborhood documentary & dicussion
A new tool, capturing the neighborhood in a documentary followed by a screening and moderated discussion
Pilot Podium Waterlandplein
Placemakers designed, built and programmed a pilot podium along with pupils of the Bredero Lyceum, de Modestraat and residents.
Living Library
During the Living Library visitors take their seat on book-furniture and enjoy storytelling about Park Frankendael.
‘WeesperWolken’ – looking up in the metro station
'WeesperWolken’ provides metro travellers a view onto the clouds, buildings, tram lines, cyclists and trees right above the station.
Making Cities Together
'Making Cities Together’ is a multiannual project initiated by Placemakers, in collaboration with the International New Town Institute (NL) en International Federation of Housing and Planning (DK). Along with a host of local stakeholders we develop placemaking design strategies for valuable, inclusive and sustainable public spaces.
World Restaurant
During the World Restaurant everyone shares his or her passion for cooking and eating – from cooking methods to ingredients to recipes and tastes – with likeminded from a variety of backgrounds.
Bloody Tourists Toolkit
The Bloody Tourists Toolkit offers the city of Amsterdam an alternative to the large scale policies responding to the increased pressures of tourism on the inner city.
Amsterdam Detours
By implementing three small scale spatial interventions, Placemakers researched to what extent and in what ways we may influence pedestrians’ route choices.
PLACE-MAT lunch lectures
Experts from the field give a variety of presentations over lunch, place mats stimulate the audience to think along.
Placemakers co-hosting Placemaking Week Nairobi 2nd edition
Placemakers was delighted to co-host Placemaking Week Nairobi 2017, including an implementation of 'Sports Streets'.
The Green Wall
Placemakers designed and built 'vertical gardens' on three outdoor walls. The walls make the Fridtjof Nansenhof more green and lively.
Making Cities Together #2 Placemaking Design Lab Nairobi
Three teams of international and local experts along with local Placemaking initiators proposed strategies for Nairobi's public spaces.
Making Cities Together #1 Inventory Placemaking in Nairobi
Placemakers inventorizes and analyzes existing Placemaking initiatieves in Nairobi
Flowery Zeeburg
Placemakers transformered a large vacant land of Zeeburgereiland into a sea of flowers.
Research reports Benches Collective
Placemakers researched Benches Collective (BankjesCollectief), an initiative that allows residents to ‘open’ a bench on their sidewalk for neighbors, passersby and other visitors.
Junior Consultants
Four students from the Casa400 student housing complex were hired to advise on the future development of the Eenhoorngebied in the east of Amsterdam.
Scale models Podium Waterlandplein
Bredero College students carried out neighborhood research and integrated the collected data into designs for the pilot podium.
Make local wishes and ideas immediately visible with 'wish-finding signs'.
Voucher – vote for your neighborhood intervention
To involve the residents and extract local wishes, Placemakers distributed voting vouchers.
Postcards for the mayor
In Cluj (Romania) we sent postcards to the mayor with inspiring ideas for (temporary) use of a former industral site.
Research report Jantje Beton
Research on a network of play that was co-developed by children, Jantje Beton, the local municipality and other parties.
Placemaking inspiration leaflet
Placemakers stimulates the formation of ideas during workshops for project team Nobelhorst, a.o. by assembling inspirational placemaking examples in a leaflet.
Project Space ‘Activating Urban Voids’
Placemakers is host and organiser of 'Project Space', a week to stimulate knowledge exchange among European studios.